Cask Cartel Is Giving Pappy Van Winkle Away


It is the season of giving and to celebrate Cask Cartel is sending out free samples of Pappy Van Winkle 10 Year, 12 Year, 20 Year and 23 Year Family Reserve. With over 120 sample drams being sent out, this is reportedly the largest online free Pappy tasting in history.

To enter, all you have to do is find Cask Cartel on Instagram (@CaskCartel) and click on one of their posts mentioning “free tastings.” From there, like, follow and Share and you could be chosen as one of our free tasting participants.

As you probably know, Pappy Family Reserve is considered one of the world’s oldest and rarest bourbons, which makes their 23-Year Family Reserve one of the most exclusive and expensive bottles on the market. Picking up any one of these whiskeys is by far one of the largest challenges a bourbon drinker may face. The Pappy Lottery or Lotteries are created just for a chance to buy it and people will camp out and wait in lines for days to try and get their hands on a bottle.

Cask Cartel is an online premium spirits marketplace and prides itself on having the largest marketplace in the world giving access to more than 5,000 products.

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